Green Skills for Youth: Towards Sustainable Development and Peace
Rwanda YouthTalks 2023
August 11. 2023
09:00 – 12:00
Kigali Genocide Memorial Amphitheatre

We are pleased to announce that the PeaceTalks will be extended to Rwanda. Our inaugural event will take place on Friday, 11 August 2023, from 09:00-12:00 AM at the Kigali Genocide Memorial Amphitheatre.
Rwanda YouthTalks is organised in line with the celebration of the International Youth Day (IYD 2023) in Rwanda. The day is usually celebrated worldwide on 12 August of each year. The main purpose of this event is to highlight the pivotal role that young people play in building sustainable development and peace.
The event will feature young people from diverse backgrounds and professional spheres, selected based on a voluntary basis as well as on their initiatives and achievements, contributing to building lasting peace and a greener world.
Using a storytelling format, this event will offer a unique opportunity for young Rwandans to share their personal stories and experiences on the theme of ‘Green Skills for Youth towards Sustainable Development and Peace’ to showcase the constructive contributions of youth in promoting peace and green economy in Rwanda.
The event serves as a platform to engage various stakeholders including, youth, policymakers, government officials, civil society actors, academia, diplomatic corps, and international organisations on the role of youth in peacebuilding and climate action processes.
This first edition runs concurrently with an exhibition focusing on youth-led initiatives that promotes, peace, social cohesion, climate resilience and green economy as well as sustainable development in Rwanda.
This event is created through the collaborative efforts of Rwanda Peace Partnership (RPP), an umbrella of three organisations: Interpeace, Aegis Trust and Never Again Rwanda (NAR) that work together towards the implementation of programs aiming to contribute to societal healing through social cohesion and reconciliation initiatives for sustainable peace in Rwanda and with the support from the Government of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The PeaceTalks initiative, now in its 10th year, has featured more than 195 speakers from over 50 countries. The initiative aims to promote personal storytelling and encourage practical solutions towards building peace.
Rwanda YouthTalks will be recorded and made available on and various social media platforms.
Meet the people of the 2023 Rwanda YouthTalks

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