“In every challenge, there is an opportunity.”
Noel Nizeyimana is green entrepreneur and expert in solid waste management from Rwanda. In his talk, he shares his journey as a green entrepreneur and how he and 3 friends established #Greencare Ltd, and aretransforming waste management in Rwanda. They produce 600 tons of odourless compost, 100 tones of recyclables materials in a year and employ 25 young individuals.

Noel NIZEYIMANA is a young entrepreneur with extensive expertise in municipal solid waste management and industrial compost production for environmental protection and agricultural transformation. He is a co-founder and CEO of Greencare Rwanda Ltd, a private company specialized in converting solid waste into branded organic fertilizers (Grekompost) to remedy the problem of soil nutrient impoverishment and to increase agricultural productivity in Rwanda.
In 2021, he was awarded the Youth Green Innovation and Investment Award 2021 by Rwanda Environment Authority (REMA) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Nizeyimana was among young Africans who participated in COP26 at Glasgow, Scottish events campus in November 2021. He showcased his business model of solid waste management and industrial composting system as a local solution to addressing environmental and climate challenges and improve agricultural sector in developing countries.
He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Agroforestry and Soil Management at the University of Rwanda – College of Agriculture, Animal and Veterinary Medicine (CAVM) where he was elected a representative of of postgraduate students.