
Anupah is passionate about sustaining peace, both in countries emerging from conflict where peacebuilding is pressing or in stable societies where peace can be taken for granted. For the last five years, she has supported dialogue processes and data initiatives in conflict affected countries, notably in Liberia, East Timor, Guatemala and Burkina Faso. Her most recent project was with the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, conducting population perception surveys to inform peacekeeping and humanitarian action in the East of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Prior to her work with peacebuilding organisations and humanitarian agencies, Anupah led advocacy efforts on drug policies and harm reduction programmes in Mauritius. Since October 2018, Anupah is pursuing an Msc. in Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation at the University of Oxford, an ‘academic pause’ which she hopes will equip her to become a more effective peacebuilding practitioner.
“Have I honored all the sacrifices that her ancestors have done? I don’t know; I don’t have any equation for building peace; I don’t have a template; I don’t have a formula. Being a peace builder means to me is first, creating space for people’s voices to be heard, and second, embracing conflicts.”
Anupah Makoond